A going concern.
A high-maintenance guy.
A handful.
That's our Jonathan!
Today we took him to mass at Allison's school. He ran around in circles in the empty gym until the students started arriving. As the priest began the service, Jonathan could be heard saying loudly, "Abba-dabba-bla-bla chocolate cookie" and other equally meaningful remarks. Dad and Jonathan left early. Not a moment too soon, actually.
Jonathan is 4-1/2 years old--a boy with a busy body and a busy mind. His language skills are quite limited (mostly one word at a time), and what he does say is very concrete and immediate. A typical conversation:
Jonathan: "Bret-tut [breakfast]."
Mom: "Would you like some toast?"
J: "Mommy?"
M: "Yes, mommy will have some toast too. What do you want on your toast?"
J: "Jam and beeta-bee [peanut butter]?"
M: "Yes, I'll have my toast with jam and peanut butter, but I'll get yours first. What do you want on yours?"
J: "Jam and beeta-bee?"
M: "I'll have mine too, but I'll get yours first. Do you want butter or peanut butter?"
J: "But-ta!"
Toast inserted in toaster.
J: "Pop?"
M: "It'll pop in a minute."
J: "Pop?"
M: "It'll pop in a minute--you have to be patient."
J: "Pop!!" grr, fuss, cry, complain ...
And so on.
As we prepare for the prospect of Jonathan attending kindergarten in September, I have moments of panic, often in the middle of the night. I wonder how he can go to school when his communication and other skills are so delayed... whether the school can provide an Educational Assistant to help him in the classroom... whether he will be able to learn like the other kids and progress at grade level, or whether he will always be working at a different pace...
For several years now I've had Psalm 139 posted on the wall over the kitchen sink; the paper is water-splattered and smudged. These verses from the Psalm help me feel calmer whenever I'm worried about the kids (which is often):
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." (vv.13-16)