
Friday, July 14, 2017

Five Minute Friday: COMFORT

Today I'm linking up with Five Minute Friday, writing for five minutes on this week's prompt: COMFORT.


Handel's "Messiah" is one of my favourite choral compositions. Richard and I used to attend local performances of it regularly as a Christmas tradition; we don't go as often anymore, but we have a CD of the London Symphony Orchestra and Choir performing it, so we can listen to it any time we want.

The "Hallelujah" chorus is usually considered the highlight of the piece, and it is pretty dramatic when the entire audience stands for that iconic chorus.

But my favourite part happens much earlier. It's when the Overture is finished and the tenor stands up to sing the very first words of the oratorio: 

Comfort ye, comfort ye My people, 
saith your God. 
Speak ye comfortably to Jerusalem, 
and cry unto her, 
that her warfare is accomplished, 
that her iniquity is pardoned. 

I find this so moving because it's as if God is speaking after a long silence. We know he has something to say to us, we're all anticipating what it might be ... and his very first words express comfort.




He is our God, the God of all comfort.


  1. Jeannie! Yes, thank you for reminding me of Handel's Messiah. You've expanded my understanding of this beautiful work. Thank you for sharing God's comfort through beautiful music. I bless you friend with a feast of JOY on your journey with Jesus!
    Visiting from the FMF link up #59

    1. Hi Lisa - thanks so much for your comment. Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Indeed the God of all comfort! I'm in the 54 spot this week.

    1. Thanks, Tara! I always appreciate it when you drop by to read and comment.

  3. The comforting God who is always with us. It's a great comfort (if that's not too tautological). His love is peace, ending our warfare with him because of his love for us.

    1. That's great, Tim. I love those words from Isaiah that the piece is based on. It really shows the heart of God for his people.

  4. Loved this, Jeannie...Messiah has always been a favourite of mine. The piece is really all about comfort, you're so right!

    And the video - terrific.

    1. Thanks for being here today, Andrew; glad you enjoyed the post and the video clip.


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