
Friday, July 21, 2017

Five Minute Friday: COLLECT

Today I'm joining Five Minute Friday's weekly linkup, writing about the word COLLECT.


 Yesterday I saw this delightful video clip online, about a man named Mark Orsillo who had lost almost all of his beloved DVD movies (over 300 of them) when his family's home was destroyed in a wildfire. 

His sister went on Facebook to ask for help in recreating Mark's collection, and -- as so often happens with these public requests -- the response was overwhelming. Just take a look at the pile of DVD's Mark received, all from strangers.

For most of us, a DVD collection wouldn't be the top priority after the devastating loss of a home by fire. But Mark's sister knew how much it meant to him -- and the expression on his face when he saw the piles of donated movies proved just how significant it was.

Sometimes when I'm online and the words BREAKING NEWS come up on my Twitter or Facebook feed, I feel a little jolt inside and wonder, "What terrible thing has happened now?" 

A constant diet of crisis and controversy can leave us drained and depressed. Stories like this one about Mark Orsillo remind us that there is joy, generosity, and simplicity in the world. 

Just as Mark glories in his collection of movies, maybe we should make a point of seeking and collecting uplifting, encouraging stories (our own, and those of others) to counter the onslaught of negativity and conflict all around us.


  1. Amen! I love this story. I hadn't heard it before. I'm in the 3 spot this week.

    1. Thanks, Tara: I just saw it yesterday, and when I heard what the FMF prompt was, it sprang immediately to mind!

  2. This is a lovely and unexpected way to write about this prompt. We should be collecting positive stories; to remind ourselves that while our world is broken, that doesn't mean God isn't working.

    1. That last sentence is perfect, Bethany. I wish I had written it first!
      Thanks so much for coming by to read and leave a comment.

  3. Wow. This was beautiful. It's great when we come across an uplifting story. It's a reminder of how God is still working in the lives of people on this planet. I enjoyed this! Your #fmfparty friend No. 43

    1. Thanks so much, Shana. I appreciate your taking the time to read and comment, and I will stop by "your place" as well!

  4. What a great story. We certainly need more news like this one. Stopping in from #7 this week. Blessings!

    1. Thanks so much for being here, Barbie. I appreciate it.

  5. Wonderful story! Way back when I was the managing editor of a small town weekly newspaper, most of our reporters wanted us to be more hard news oriented. But our readership told us that they get plenty of bad news from the daily and the TV news shows, that they wanted uplifting, encouraging, hope-filled stories at least once a week. So glad that our readers spoke up, and I think they'd agree with your FMF submission this week. I know I enjoyed it! (your FMF neighbor)

    1. Thanks so much for your comment. I think there is such a desire for goodness in our hearts but it's so easy for that to get lost amid all the crises in our world. Good stories inspire us to want to be better people, in my opinion.

  6. I'm totally with you, Jeannie. Let's collect stories of help and joy like Mark's.

    1. Thanks, Tim. It occurs to me that Ann Voskamp does this every weekend with her "Only the good stuff" post. I always feel better after I've looked at the clips and pictures she shares!

  7. I couldn't agree more. Let's collect encouragement. It sounds terrible, but some days I just can't handle the news. :)

    1. I know. I sometimes yearn for the days when we didn't hear about bad things till AT LEAST the 10 pm TV news. But then it's my choice to be always checking online news, Twitter, etc. We need reminders that The Light is winning.

  8. Movies can mean a lot; sometimes they give me the courage to see another dawn.

    1. I can believe it, Andrew. God bless you today.

  9. Thanks for such a heartwarming story - such a nice way to start the week! Hope you have a wonderful week ahead!

    1. Thanks so much for reading, Jennifer. Glad this spoke to you!

  10. How refreshing! Thank you for sharing this beautifully simple story of kindness. My husband and I were just talking about how easy it is to just be nice to a simple need.
    Thank you! Visiting from #72 - a post for my friend, Ruth, who made her first attempt at five minute friday writing. \0/

    1. Thanks so much for your comment, Lisa -- and I am definitely going to come check out your post too!

  11. ah, the collecting of encouragement.
    the reminder that things that might seem small in one person's eyes, can be such a big thing in another's. and yes, the generosity of others in creating a sparkle on the face of a loved one. so precious. thank you for sharing. Janel (mytoesareblue)

    1. Thank you, Janel. Lovely to have you here!


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