
Wednesday, September 08, 2010

familiar faces, new routines ....

Yesterday was back-to-school day. Jonathan started Grade 3 at Rideau Public School. Although he has a new teacher and new entry door, he has the same EA, "Mr. O," so that made the transition smooth for him. He had a good day, although he doesn't look particularly enthusiastic in this photo taken before we left home!

Allison had more to adjust to yesterday. She started Grade 7 at a new school, Calvin Park Public School, in their Challenge program. For the first time, she will ride a bus to and from school. Her first day was great until the end, when a glitch with the bus list meant her bus left without her (strange, considering it picked her up in the morning). But this happened to a number of kids so Allison felt better knowing she was not the only one. Today things should go much more smoothly.

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