
Monday, August 30, 2010

short-story contest

Earlier this summer I entered one of my short stories, entitled "Poor Sad Soul," in a story competition in the Christian Courier, a magazine based in St. Catherines. In July I found out I was short-listed, and 2 weeks ago I found out I won. The prize was $100 -- pretty sweet. (Chapters/Indigo, here I come.) I'm still kind of stunned about it! It makes me feel very encouraged about my writing, but I also realize I need to get back to "work" since I've done very little new writing this summer other than the workshops in Fredericton.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, Jeannie!!! SOOOO happy for you! Way to go, and YES may this inspire you to keep on writing! Can you please tell us how we can get a copy of your story? Love from Franceen


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