
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

kids say the darnedest things

Last week I had a hilarious encounter with a boy who attends Jonathan's school. I was sitting on a bench in the lobby waiting to pick Jonathan up for lunch and was joined by a chunky, jolly fellow named "N--" who was waiting for a bus to take him to another program. Here follows our brief conversation:

Me: So, what grade are you in?

N: Well, I'm really in five but I say I'm in six because I got held back a year.

Me: So are you in Ms. B's class then?

N: No, I'm in Mrs. C's class. I was in Ms. B's but my friend [so-and-so] was in the same class.

Me: Oh, and they thought they should separate you?

N: Yeah ... on account of last year I accidentally stabbed him with a pair of scissors.

Me: Really?!

N: Yeah ... we have our ups and downs.


I certainly hope that wasn't one of the ups!

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