
Sunday, February 15, 2009

L-o-o-ng week

Phew, we have had a long week but are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Poor Jonathan had a seizure at school a week ago Thursday (Feb. 5) -- the first time he ever had one that Rich or I was not present. The children in his class were all sitting on the carpet, and Jonathan appeared to lean over and look at the bottom of someone else's shoe (he does have a bit of a shoe fetish!). But in fact he was having a seizure. The teacher handled it beautifully, moving the other kids away from the area and then, after an ambulance was called, taking them to another classroom. Fortunately Richard was at home and, when the school called, was able to get there immediately and the ambulance could be cancelled.

Jonathan spent the rest of the day sleeping it off at home, but then when he woke up the next day he was feverish and had a sore ear, and has missed this entire week of school. Poor little dude -- for most of the week all he could do was lie on the couch and sleep, sitting up only to take his medicines and occasionally look at a book or video. And he could hardly eat or drink anything the whole time, so he has lost some of that roundness in his cheeks (those famous cheeks that, even in utero, were pronounced chubby!).

But finally he is starting to improve. He was able to come to church today and enthusiastically ate a piece of cake at coffee time afterward. So hopefully he will be completely back to himself in a day or two.

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