
Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Today I have the privilege of sending birthday wishes to Lori Vos, my friend and fellow Hobbit. Lori and I have been friends since my first day in the Queen's University English department, 21 years ago. True friendship is a special gift and, as I have learned, should not be taken for granted. Happy Birthday, Lori!

On the subject of friendship and playmates ... yesterday was a beautiful 15-degree spring day. Allison brought sidewalk chalk to school, having been encouraged by Sue (her counsellor) to take a play object outside with her to help her approach schoolmates and engage them in play. After school I asked her if anyone did chalk with her. She replied, "Yes, lots of people! The schoolyard is covered with sidewalk-chalk pictures. And some girls got me to lie down and they drew around me!" This may seem like a typical, ho-hum picture of childhood--but for Allison it is a big achievement. Way to go, Allison--you are quiet, but you can make the schoolyard a beautiful place.


  1. Yay, Allison! What a beautiful story! I am so happy for you that you had such a lovely day with your friends!

  2. That's wonderful for Allison! And what a great idea to bring sidewalk chalk to school!


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