
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Can you point your fingers and do the twist?

If that phrase doesn't mean anything to you, then you obviously don't know the Wiggles: four enthusiastic Australian guys who dress in blue, red, yellow and purple and who sing, dance, play instruments, and basically have fun. Allison and Jonathan discovered the Wiggles last year when they received one of the group's CDs for a gift, and they've become avid fans. Jonathan asks for a "Meegles DDD" at least once a day and is in fact, at this very moment, watching the "Wiggly, Wiggly Christmas" video. The Wiggles' songs include such classics as the abovementioned "Can You Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?", "Fruit Salad, Yummy Yummy", and "Dance the Ooby-Doo with Dorothy the Dinosaur". I'm not making this up--actually, I wish I had, because then I'd be a millionaire! (Beeeeauty, mate!)

On one of the Wiggles DVDs we watched recently was a song I haven't heard since I was little. Do you remember this one? (I haven't got the words exactly right but this is the idea)

Hear the whistle blowin', makes a sleepy noise
Underneath the blankets go all the girls and boys.

Rockin', rollin', ridin', out along the bay
All bound for Morning Town many miles away.

Maybe it is raining where this train will ride
All the little children are warm and snug inside.

Somewhere there is morning, somewhere there is day
Somewhere there is Morning Town, many miles away.

I wonder if, in 35 years, Jonathan will be saying, "Gosh, I just heard the 'Fruit Salad' song--does that ever take me back!"


  1. Hi there... us proud grandmas are sharing blog addresses of their kids so I just had a first look at yours! Great stuff! I am still trying to figure out how to manage a couple of features but someday soon I hope I'll launch out with my own. Great to hear your "voice" as your smile and sense of humor come across loud and clear, Jeannie. Blessings, Nancy

  2. You'd be a GREAT blogger, Nancy - hope you go for it!

  3. Gotta love the wiggles! I heard that one of the wiggles is leaving the group. I was heart broken. I hope that it is only a rumor - and nothing more...


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