
Sunday, December 04, 2022

Second Sunday in Advent: PEACE

On this second Sunday in Advent, the theme is PEACE.

It's been said there are three kinds of peace: peace with ourselves, peace with others, peace with God.

Peace with myself. I'm not sure how that looks for you, but for me peace with myself means the assurance that I did the best I could, that I didn't grasp for control or betray my deepest values, that I accepted my limitations and just allowed myself to be an ordinary person.

Peace with others. There's a Scripture verse that says, "As far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." (Romans 12:18) I find that first part of the sentence helpful because it acknowledges that when it comes to relationships, we can really only be responsible for our own stuff. Taking that responsibility may mean asking, Have I done all I can to foster peace, even if I feel betrayed or misrepresented? Does peace mean speaking up, or letting go? Can there be peace without restoration of relationship? These are tough questions. It strikes me, as I think about it, that peace with others and peace with ourselves are actually not all that separate.

Peace with God. Over the past couple of years, as I've been challenged to rethink a lot of things about faith and church and Christian community, I'm realizing more and more that peace with God doesn't depend on attending church, signing off on the tenets of "historic Christianity" (whatever that is), or proving our worth to God. God has already made peace with us – with me. The Incarnation shows that this has always been God's greatest desire: to be in relationship with us, to reveal what He is like, to bring peace and harmony to every corner of the planet. Jesus comes, as the carol says, "to make his blessings flow far as the curse is found."

As we walk through the sometimes dark days of Advent, may we know peace in all its forms, as a Presence deeper than emotions and circumstances, sustaining and upholding us on our path.


You can read my previous advent post here: HOPE.


  1. Jeannie this is absolutely beautiful and thank you for sharing. Many blessings to you and your family this Christmas ❤️

  2. Jeannie, It was great! Thanks for writing it!!

    1. Thanks! (Wish I knew who this was... 😊)

  3. I enjoyed your post. Have always enjoyed your writing style and perspective.


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