
Saturday, December 15, 2018

Haikus for Advent: Week Two

As I explained in my last post, I am composing a haiku for each day of Advent this year and posting it on Twitter. 

These are the haikus I wrote for Week Two of Advent. 


peace candle wavers
but does not go out. pray for
migrants fleeing war


coloured lights glowing
in the window, softening
the edges of night


expectant, we wait,
hardly knowing what -- or Who --
lies at waiting's end


he scatters the proud
topples rulers' thrones, lifts up
the humble of heart


the hungry are fed
and the Lord does not forget
to be merciful


its head now engaged,
the baby will soon be born --
and this is our God!


He in whose image
we were made is himself made
into our likeness


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