
Saturday, December 22, 2018

Haikus for Advent: Week Three

I have been composing a haiku for each day of Advent this year and posting it on Twitter.

Below are the haikus I wrote for Week Three of Advent. (See also Week Two and Week One.)


the candle of joy
is lit; its fire awakens
our cold, sleeping hearts


O Wisdom, show us
the right path; be a lantern
guiding our footsteps


O Adonai - keep
your promise to redeem us
and to bring justice


O Jesse's Son: you
are the one who was promised
and for whom we wait


O Key of David
no one can close what you open
or thwart your purpose


O Bright Morning Star
earth groans in darkness, longing
for light to break in


O King of Nations
reconcile us to yourself
and to each other


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