
Friday, August 04, 2017

Five Minute Friday: TRY (for my daughter, who is 19 today)

As I do most Fridays, I'm joining the Five Minute Friday linkup to write for five minutes on a given prompt. Today's word is TRY

It's my daughter Allison's 19th birthday today, too -- so I've written this for her.


Is it even worth TRYing to capture who you are in five minutes of writing? 

When people look at you, they see a young woman with long brown hair and big blue eyes -- but that's just the outer you.

You are witty and creative. You love puns and jokes and brain teasers. 

You are an amazing writer. You can convey characters' deepest feelings, yet you can also skillfully structure a choose-your-own adventure story.

You assert your needs, but you also show empathy.

You have embraced your autism and other unique aspects of who you are.

You seek out your tribe in your own way. You don't let what others are doing determine your path.

You are courageous.

You are honest.

You are a beautiful gift from God to this world.


  1. What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. So sweet. Happy Birthday to her! I'm in the 5 spot this week.

  2. Happy birthday to Allison! And thank you, Jeannie, for a lovely look into your wonderful daughter.

  3. I love this beautiful ode to your daughter. Happy Birthday to her, #FMF friend! I'm over at #35 today. God bless y'all.

    1. Thank you, Carolina - I appreciate your coming by!

  4. This is lovely. Happy Birthday to Allison, and I hope you all have a good time celebrating.

  5. What precious words to wtrite to your daughter. She is one of a kind May blessing rain on jer this day her birthday.Happy birthday Allison from Irene Joner

    1. Hi Irene - thanks so much for commenting. I have been thinking of you and Leo; hope he is better.

  6. Your words capture an absolutely beautiful soul. What a treat it was to read about your talented and gifted daughter. She sounds like a blessing to know.
    Visiting from FMF. Way over on #75. Yikes! Have a great weekend!

    1. Hi Kelly - thanks so much for coming by, and for your kind words. Enjoy your weekend, too.

  7. Happy Birthday Allison!!!

    And Jeannie...what a lovely and moving tribute.

    1. Thank you, Andrew. Glad to have you here today. God bless.

  8. Lovely tribute to a wonderful young lady. Happy Birthday Allison! Bless you mama Jeannie!


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