
Friday, June 16, 2017

Five Minute Friday: WORTH

Today I'm joining the Five Minute Friday community's linkup, writing for five minutes on a given prompt. This week's word: WORTH.


In one of his books (I believe it was Shame and Grace), the late author Lewis Smedes wrote about the difference between deserving and worth.

He uses the example of his own mother, who as a widow with several small children worked long, hard hours to provide for her family.

He then asks (and I'm paraphrasing here), "Did I deserve her love and sacrifice?" His answer is no. There was nothing he could have done to earn the things his mother did for him and his siblings.

But then he asks, "Was I worthy of it?" and his answer is yes. It had more to do with who he was -- a beloved son -- than what he could do to make himself deserving.

He uses this example as a parallel of God's love for us. We don't deserve it; but we are worthy of it. It is not a love that requires us to perform or earn. It is based on the fact that God made us in his image and sees us as infinitely valuable. 

We are worthy because of who we are: beloved children of God.



  1. Jeannie love your sweet words. What a reminder to all. Love the comparison you made with the mother and son. I am about to cry. Precious.

    1. Thank you, Deborah. I appreciate your taking time to read and comment!

  2. What a wonderful comparison! Thank you! (Visiting from the Five Minute Friday link-up.)

    1. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Dana. Great to connect via FMF!

  3. I like that description of the difference between deserving and worthy, and I'm glad that God does not ask us to do things to deserve his love but that he sees us as worthy because we are his children.

    1. I really like Smedes' distinction too - it stayed with me long after I read the book. I think it's an important one to keep in mind. Thanks so much for reading and commenting, Lesley; have a good weekend!

  4. Love the way you elucidated the difference between deserve and worth, Jeannie. Bravo!

    1. Thanks so much, Andrew, but I can't take credit for it really; that goes to Lewis Smedes, a wonderful writer. His words have stayed with me.

  5. We are worth much because of god's love, no matter how undeserving we are to have received it. I'm glad too that this is an eternal blessing so I don't have to wonder if I'll ever wear it out.

  6. Wow, I've never heard that distinction before... good stuff!

    1. Thanks, Tondra--I find it helpful too, because it gives us the dignity and value that God always intended us to have.

  7. Beloved children of God indeed!

  8. Great comparison. Reminds me of something my pastor says. When asked, "How are you doing today?" he responds, "Better than I deserve." We don't feel like we deserve His blessings but God says, "You are worth it!"

    1. He sounds like a person who has a grateful attitude to life. Thanks for stopping by to read and comment, Eva.

  9. What a beautiful distinction. We don't deserve it, but we are worthy of His love. That makes so much sense!

    1. Thank you, Betsy. I'm glad this spoke to you!


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