
Friday, June 30, 2017

Five Minute Friday: BLESSING

Today I'm linking up with Five Minute Friday, writing for five minutes on this week's prompt: BLESSING.


Can I be honest here? 

Holiday weekends do not always feel like a blessing.

School finished for Jonathan last Wednesday. Since he did not have high school exams, he went to day camp for five days during that period. He enjoyed being with his friends and having those structured days. But his summer day camp doesn't start till next Tuesday. So we have a five-day period of trying to keep him happy and content. That's not always easy, when he doesn't seem all that interested in some of the things that used to give him pleasure.

Richard was going to take him to the nearby beach today, but it is raining and cool -- not much of a beach day. Richard works a 12-hour shift tomorrow (Canada Day) and a 12-hour night shift on Sunday. We don't really have anything too interesting or exciting going on -- just the same old.

Maybe sometimes it's OK not to gush about our abundant blessings. I'm not ungrateful or complaining, honest -- just stating the reality. And reality can be kind of "meh" now and then.

Maybe it's OK just to believe that I am blessed and loved by God even if that doesn't translate into warm, inspirational feelings in the moment. 

Maybe it's OK to look back at five minutes of writing on an upbeat word like "blessing" and think, Hey, this is all I got, and I'm putting it out there.


Update: 2 hours after I wrote this, the clouds dispersed and the sun came out strong and hot. The guys are off to the beach. And so, life goes on. 


  1. Greetings, Jeannie! Rebecca here...dropping in from FMF! Your "all I got" is more than enough. I enjoyed reading your post and wish you and yours a HAPPY CANADA DAY! Blessings! ~Rebecca

    1. Thanks so much for visiting, Rebecca. You must be next to me on the linkup. I will stop by "your place" as well. Thanks for your encouraging words.

  2. You are so right. Sometimes it's ok to just be!

  3. The unmemorable moments, even the hard ones, are when I need to remember that this is also part of life and that God is blessing me in them even if the thing I'm going through isn't itself a blessing.

    And yay for beach days. I like going in the sun, the rain, the fog, whatever.

    1. You're right, Tim, about remembering these truths in the midst of the hard or "meh" times. That there's a deeper truth beyond the circumstances or feelings of the moment.

  4. Your honesty is refreshing! I bless you today with a feast of JOY no matter the surroundings. Lisa

    1. Thank you Lisa -- I appreciate your coming by to read and comment. Have a great weekend.

  5. I can imagine how that feels, Jeannie. And yes, I think it's okay not to gush about our blessings when life feels "meh." I feel a bit meh today too. Serious temperatures and humidity, fan going, hoping going to church will be a good experience today. :)

    1. I hope so too Betsy. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Hi, Jeannie! We must be on the same wavelength, my friend. I had a world-class case of homesickness and FOMO this weekend.

    Loved this: "Maybe it's OK just to believe that I am blessed and loved by God even if that doesn't translate into warm, inspirational feelings in the moment." It's so true! Warm fuzzy feelings aren't the only gauge for blessing.

    HAPPY CANADA DAY, my fellow Canadian! Enjoy the fireworks!

    Shauna (your fashionably-late neighbour in FMF#89)

    1. Thank you, Shauna! I really appreciate your comment - Happy Canada Day (belated) to you too!


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