
Monday, February 06, 2017

My poem, "duplication on chromosome 16," published at ALTARWORK

Today I'm honoured to have one of my poems, "duplication on chromosome 16," published at ALTARWORK, a beautiful site that features Christian writers and artists.

This poem is very near to my heart. I always describe it this way: "It's not science, and it's not a sermon; it's a psalm."

Click HERE to read it.


  1. What a stunning poem, Jeannie! It reminds me of how I felt when Calvin first said (in a trans pride talk) that if he could go back and decide how he would be born, he would not choose to be any different than he is, exactly as he is. That was so healing for me to hear.

    1. I can imagine it was, Franceen. Thanks for sharing that, and for your feedback on the poem.


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