
Monday, September 01, 2014

Monday morsel: blessing

This is the Scripture passage our pastor spoke on yesterday.

“The Lord bless you
    and keep you;
the Lord make his face shine on you
    and be gracious to you;
the Lord turn his face toward you
    and give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26


  1. What a beautiful juxtaposition of image and words! I love when I come across a piece of music or an image that expresses a Scriptural truth. I once visited a house that sat on the top of a cliff. The entire living room wall was windows overlooking the valley. It was autumn and the trees rustled in the breeze. The owner said that it reminded her of the Bible verse about "trees clapping their hands," and I had to agree.

    1. That's a great image, Laura: thanks for sharing that. I'm glad the picture & verse above spoke to you. I don't think I've ever heard a sermon preached on that Numbers blessing before. Our pastor started with a true story of a young woman whose face had been disfigured by nerve damage, and how her husband kissed her by adjusting his mouth to fit her crooked one. The pastor called his message "The Kiss that Fits" and talked about what the different verbs in the passage say about God's grace and favour. I hope God's face shines upon you today.

    2. I would love to listen to that message, if it's available on audio, Jeannie. Can you send me a link? Love the passage you chose today as well as the one Laura mentioned, Isaiah 5:12:

      "You will go out in joy
      and be led forth in peace;
      the mountains and hills
      will burst into song before you,
      and all the trees of the field
      will clap their hands."

    3. Adriana, thanks for sharing this verse today!!! LOVE IT - and am thankful you reminded me of it!!! PTL!!!

    4. Hi Adriana - when the audio comes up on the church website I'll try to get the link to you!

  2. Thank you Jeannie!!! As we head into this new school year (BOTH my kids are in middle school this year) I tend to panic, just a little - okay a lot!!! :-) This passage I've heard many times, but it struck me with power today. Thank you. Claiming that peace that God has offered me. Love Adriana's passage as well!!!!

    1. Thanks, Sharon - I know what you mean about the back-to-school time being one of anxiety. Even though our kids aren't changing schools and everything seems quite settled for both of them, it's still great to be reminded that God offers us His peace as a free gift of His grace. This past month we visited my parents in PEI and my mom got very sick; she is currently in hospital (her diagnosis is not great, but she is doing much better). That peace carried us through a challenging time and we're trusting that God will still be with her, and all of us, in the coming days. Thanks for reading and commenting, and all the best this week!

  3. That blessing from Numbers is used occasionally as a benediction at our church. Our pastor always emphasizes that for those who live in the New Covenant this passage is not a call for God's blessings to come but represents blessings that God has already given us and continues to shower us with each day.

    1. That's interesting, Tim -- so it's something to be thankful for in the moment, not hope for in the future.


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