
Monday, August 04, 2014

My girl - sweet sixteen

Happy 16th birthday, Allison!

Where are you going, my little one, little one,
Where are you going, my baby, my own?
Turn around and you're two,
Turn around and you're four,
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of my door.
Turn around, turn around,
Turn around and you're a young girl going out of my door. 
 (by Harry Belafonte, Malvina Reynolds, and Alan Greene c. 1957)

photo by Ray Vos - July 31, 2014


  1. And now I'm crying! They grow up in a blink.

    Happy Sweet Sixteen to Allison! :-)

    1. Thank you, Adriana. I know. Where does the time go??

  2. 16, woo-hoo! Happy birthday to Allison! I hope the whole family has a great day helping her celebrate too!

  3. Lovely pictures. Congratulation to your daughter. I hope Allison has a special day. My daughter turns 15 August 30th, which is very important for Latins. (Like our sweet 16 times 10.) So she wants to have a quinceanera party.

    1. That involves a lot of fancy food and dancing, doesn't it, Betsy? Very interesting to understand different traditions. Our family's tradition is ice cream cake. Pizza may or may not also be involved. I hope you have a very special celebration when your daughter's birthday rolls around.

  4. You have a beautiful daughter Jeannie! I love the words you wrote too. Taylor is turning 13 in less than two weeks and it all has happened too fast! Praising the Lord with you on this special day!!! Something about her has often reminded me of Uncle John Prinsen

    1. Thanks, Sharon! We'll be seeing your sister today: she keeps coming back (like the cat). I hope some day (sooner rather than later) you will be able to visit us here in Kingston.

      So your daughter is nearly 13 -- that's a major milestone, too. I hope you have a great celebration.

  5. Hope Allison had a wonderful birthday! She is turning into a beautiful young lady before our eyes!
    I used to sing that song to my boys when they were little and they loved it, but I remember one time one of them objected, "I'm not a baby, I'm a big boy!" So from then one I would sing, "Where are you going, my BIG BOY, my own." I also used to sing "By My Side" from Godspell, which begins "Where are you going". Jamie just turned 25, and Andrew will be 28 in October. So now they really are big boys... Maureen


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