
Monday, December 23, 2013

Monday morsel: "and his name shall be called...."

Allison and I had some fun the other day listing the many nicknames we've given Jonathan over the years.

Jonathan was an extremely fat baby (and still, at 11 years old, has endearingly chubby cheeks); therefore many of the names we gave him related to that fact:
- Super Pudge
- Pudgy-Poo
- Pork Boy
- Porkahontas
- The Grand Old Duke of Pork
- Chubber C. Chubs
- Fatty Farts
- Fatty Fatty Fat Fat
- Fatosaurus Rex

Many of his other nicknames have been riffs on his actual name:
- Jon-Jon (that's how he said his name for quite a long time, and we still regularly call him that)
- J-Man
- J.J. (even though his second name does not start with J)
- Jage (rhymes with age -- short for J.J.)
- Jagey-Boy
- Jagey-Poo (he calls himself this sometimes)
- Jujube

So many names -- and they all refer to only one person!

Jesus is called many different names too, and the Bible passage I've chosen for today's Monday Morsel -- one of my favourite Christmas-related verses -- lists several of them:

For unto us a child is born, 
unto us a son is given: 
and the government shall be upon his shoulder: 
and his name shall be called 
Wonderful Counsellor, 
The Mighty God, 
The Everlasting Father, 
The Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9:6)


  1. Names often appear to have meaning only to those in the know, like some of the ones you've come up with for Jonathan. Thanks fro reminding us that the Savior we know has names are full of meaning too, Jeannie.

    1. I wonder if Jesus had any baby nicknames, Tim?


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