
Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Thankful Tuesday: school, walking, studying, weather

I haven't done a "Thankful Tuesday" post in a long time, but after reading Micha Boyett's Mama:Monk blog, I thought I would follow her lead today.

I'm thankful:

  • that Jonathan has had a smooth transition back to school.  He has the same teacher as he's had the last two years, and the same awesome Educational Assistant and backup EA.  This allowed him to pretty much just pick up where he left off in June.
  • that Allison's first month back at high school has also been good.  She has joined the school writing club; she is meeting with an Autism counsellor once a week and writing self-affirmations on post-it notes to put where she can see them; and she's improving greatly on her clarinet (no honks, and some pretty awesome trills).
  • for my new Tuesday morning tradition of meeting a friend to walk and talk for 1.5 hours.  We cover a lot of ground, literally and figuratively.
  • that I've joined a new study group at church.  We meet every second Thursday night for a study on Beth Moore's Jesus:  The One and Only.  There are 24 women in the group and I don't think I've been in a study or meeting with any of them before, so I'm excited about making some new connections.  And the first video was fascinating; it was about the "400-year silence" before the Messiah came.  I'm looking forward to the next session.
  • for the lovely weather this past week.  Warm sunshine beaming through softly-changing coloured leaves is a beautiful combination.


  1. Loved seeing your post today, Jeannie. Thanks for linking to it! So glad to hear that Jonathan and Allison are both adjusting well to school life. I did a group study on Jesus: The One and Only years and years ago and I remember it being really formative, though I can't remember any details from the study. I do, however, remember all the words to "Jesus, the one and only," that song from the video each week. :) Take care!

    1. Thanks, Micha -- I remember you saying good things about Beth Moore in a previous comment here. I'm excited about the study; I'm sure I'll learn a lot. Thanks for stopping by!

  2. I've done a few Beth Moore studies with my wife, but not that one. She has, though, with some friends of hers, It sounds like the new school year is a treat and a blessing for all concerned, Jeannie. Wonderful!

  3. Thanks, Tim. Just taking a few moments to jot down things to be thankful for can change your whole perspective.

  4. I love the idea of a scheduled time to walk with a friend. I have a new prayer partner who does not have small children, so she has offered to start dropping by my house once a week or so. I think I'll suggest that we take a walk together!

    I really love Jonathan's art work! So nice! Fall is my favorite season. :-)

    1. I enjoy fall too -- such a beautiful time of year. We've had 13 consecutive days of sunshine as of today (but who's counting, right?).


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