
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

cold f-x ... ewww

Jonathan is home from school for the third consecutive day with a cold.  He missed church Sunday, too.  His nose is so green and crusty that ... well, let's just say at the moment he has a face only a mother, and possibly Shrek, could love.

It reminds me of that heart-warming poem we used to say at school,

When you're dancing with your honey
And your nose is kinda runny
Some people think it's funny
but it'snot!

After four days at home, this is about as profound as you're going to get from me today.


  1. Now I'm going to have that little ditty running through my head all day, Jeannie, and I hope it doesn't vocalize while I'm on the bench!

    I also hope Jonathan is feeling better soon. Praying for him, and for you!


    1. If you vocalized this on the bench it would snot be funny at all, Tim.

    2. If he nose what's good for him, he won't.

  2. Hope Jonathan is better soon! Take care!:)

    1. Thanks, I appreciate it! :-)

    2. Jeannie, I just loaded Far From the Tree on my Kindle for $8.89. I was disappointed the last time I checked b/c it was over $17.00! Now to find the time to read it . . .

    3. At that price you can't go wrong! Yes, it does require a bit of time to read that tome.


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