
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Nine's neat

Jonathan is nine today! Hard to believe he's in his last year of single digits. He got 2 new puzzles, 2 new balls, and a new placemat with his name on it. We'll also be having yummy chocolate cupcakes for dessert at supper, so he'll be a happy guy.

As challenging as Jonathan can be at times, he is for the most part a pretty happy person and he has a knack of making others happy too. At church, he usually says a big loud Amen after the offering prayer; he likes this time because after offering he goes down to Sunday School. This past Sunday the woman leading the service said "Now I'll ask the ushers to come forward for the offering" -- and Jonathan let out a huge, enthusiastic "Yeah!!!" Everyone laughed, and the leader said, "Now that's a cheerful giver."

Happy Birthday Jon-Jon!

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