
Monday, April 11, 2011

TNEL Day 34: Monday Morning Workout

Last fall Jonathan went for several Monday-morning physiotherapy sessions at the Child Development Centre here in town; he has a physiotherapist come to the school periodically but at the CDC they can use equipment the school doesn't have. Today he started another set of these physio sessions so I took him there at 9 a.m. and then he went to school afterward. It's really fun to watch him do all the different activities: sitting and lying on the big fitness balls, lying face down on a wheeled scooterboard and pushing himself around the room with his hands, jumping on a mini-trampoline, walking the balance beam, stepping in and out of wooden boxes, etc. And the reward at the end is always 5 minutes of basketball-shooting. Janet, the physio, was very pleased with how far he's come along since the fall: how much stronger and more confident he seems. I am so grateful to have these services available for Jonathan -- and at no cost. We are blessed with many helpful resources in and outside of school.

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