
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Jonathan's big week of BIG DAYS

This week marks a big step for Jonathan. Since he started school, he's been coming home for lunch every day (except for the very occasional field trip). This routine gave him some down time during the school day and helped ensure that he ate a good lunch; it also meant the school did not have to provide staffing over the lunch hour. But in the last few weeks, everyone seemed to agree that the time had come for him to make the transition to full days. So yesterday he had his first day of staying at school all day. The school has designated a young woman who does schoolyard duty to be Jonathan's assistant; she will help him with his lunch and hang out with him outside during lunch recess. This will be an adjustment for Jonathan but we're confident he'll make the switch easily. Because Allison is at school all day, he will see her at lunchtime, and he will likely become very quickly attached to his aide, Jamie.

It's also a huge change for me and Rich. Every day for nearly 3 years we've arranged our days around Jonathan's lunchtime pickup, ensuring that one of us goes to get him at 11:50 and brings him back at 12:50. So it's a lot more flexible without that big "bump" in the middle of the day.

Just another milestone in the exciting life of Jonathan!

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