
Sunday, June 10, 2007


Yesterday was Rich's and my 17th anniversary. At the risk of stating a cliche, 17 years seems like a long time, but on the other hand it has passed so quickly. A few years ago our celebration might have consisted of a fancy dinner out. Now it involves pizza and a movie after the kids have gone to bed--and that's just fine!

I sometimes imagine what it would have been like if, on our wedding day, the minister had stood up and said, "Here's what you can expect down the road. You will wait many difficult years before having children, but you will rejoice when your daughter arrives and brings so much joy into your life. Then you will have a son, who will have a seizure when he is ten months old. Y ou will spend the next few years going to appointments for him and realizing that he is developmentally delayed. You will find out that your daughter also has a developmental disorder." etc. etc. Thankfully, we aren't given this information ahead of time, and it's a good thing. My friend Franceen recently reminded me of Corrie ten Boom's story of her father, who assured her that God would give her the strength she needed to face whatever came--but He would only give it at the moment it was needed, just as the young Corrie would only be given her train ticket moments before she got on the train.

Well, after 17 years I can say it has been a good trip so far. It is good to celebrate together and to face difficulties together. It is good to cheer each other on, to laugh together at the same silly things, and to look forward to the next stage of the journey.


  1. Congratulations on 17 terrific years together - may God continue to give you much grace and great joy for the journey!

  2. Yes, congratulations from Chad and I too! I remember that beautiful day down at the Meadowbank shore... Oddly enough, I guess we were married 17 years on that day as we are now past our 34th anniversary!
    And today, is the first day of retirement for me.. at least semi... who knows what the future holds and you are correct... it's a good thing we don't know but we know God is there and that is good. Oswald Chambers says "We are uncertain of the next step but we are certain of God"


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