
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Five Minute Friday: AGAIN

I'm linking up with the Five Minute Friday community, writing for five minutes on a given prompt. 

This week's word is AGAIN.


This summer I decided to go gray again.

I've been colouring my hair for the past ten years, and I just decided to quit. I was at the point where I needed to colour it almost every three weeks in order for it to look acceptable, and it was getting very tiresome.

Here's what it looked like prior to my decision to quit colouring (pic from 2018):

The last time I coloured it was April 2 of this year. Here's a picture from June 8, two months into the going-gray process:

And one from June 23:

And the latest, from July 25 (front and back):

I've gotten quite a few compliments on how it looks -- many of them from women younger than me. Some women my age have told me they're doing the same thing as I am, while others have said they're "not quite that brave" yet or "can't quite let go." I completely get that. Everybody has to make their own decision, whether it's about hair colour or anything else.

When I decided to do this, I thought I might not like the process or the outcome. I wondered if I'd look at myself in the mirror and gasp, "Oh my gosh, who is that person??!!"

But I haven't had that experience -- quite the opposite, in fact. I find I'm far more accepting of my image in the mirror: I'm not constantly checking my hair, wondering if the gray at my temples is too obvious or if the back is fading faster than the front. I feel more like myself again. It's very freeing.

Is there something you've been thinking about doing that might make you feel more like "you" again? I'd recommend you go for it. You won't know until you try.