
Wednesday, October 26, 2011

rocker chick

Last night Allison's social club had a Halloween party. She went dressed as a rocker chick complete with tattoos and a spike bracelet.

Jonathan is in the background wondering who the heck this person is!

urban poling is great!

I've recently taken up urban poling (also known as Nordic walking). I've been going to a class every Tuesday at noon for the past few weeks. It's a great activity: I love walking but this ups the fitness element quite a bit. Yesterday we took a walk starting at Fort Henry -- Rich came along to go for a run and I asked him to take our picture before we set out. Left to Right: Kari (instructor), me, Bianca, Dolores, and Rita.

Monday, October 10, 2011

beautiful weekend

We have had the most beautiful Thanksgiving weekend in recent memory -- warm & sunny for several days in a row.

On Saturday, Jonathan went to Extend-a-Family camp for the day, so Rich and Allison and I went out for coffee at Tims and then for a walk at Lemoine's Pt Conservation Area. Here are a few photos from our outing.