
Thursday, June 19, 2008

simply marsh-velous

Today the nursery school had its year-end event: a trip to the conservation area marsh. The kids got little nets to dip into the water to collect various marshland creatures. Jonathan did very little actual dipping but had lots of fun!
(Photos by Meghan Wall)

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Kindergarten Fun on the Farm

Today Jonathan's kindergarten class had a concert all about The Farm. Each child was a different animal, and they all sang songs like "Old MacDonald", "There Was a Farmer Had a Dog", and "Five Little Ducks." (See them quacking, above.) They also did "The Bird Dance".

Jonathan whispered his line: "I am a cow ... moo."

Here is Jonathan receiving his kindergarten diploma from his teacher, Kathy Mardicis.

And here he is after the concert, relaxing with his Educational Assistant, Pam Stewart.

Goodbye, Bayridge Nursery School

Yesterday was Jonathan's final day at Bayridge Nursery School. He has gone there for two years, and it has been a wonderful experience for him. He will certainly miss his two well-loved teachers, Laurie ...

and Janet.

Last night the Nursery School held its end-of-year concert. Jonathan was very nervous and refused to go and sit with his class, so he sat with us until the other class had finished their performance. When it came time for his class to perform, he got out of his seat, walked to the front alone, and crawled up on to the stage. We were so proud of him.